Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Intervju med Inger - Ekholm Svensson

Intervju med Inger – Ekholm Svensson

Vi har intervjuat Inger – Ekholm Svensson, rektor på Nils Fredriksson Utbildning i Svedala.

Var och när föddes du?
Jag föddes i Värnersborg 1949

Vad jobbade du med innan du började här i Svedala?
Jag har jobbat som studierektor i Göteborg från 1979 till ett antal år framåt, sedan har jag arbetat inom detaljhandeln i Skövde där jag jobbade som informationschef, personalchef och administrativ chef. Jag har även jobbat som lärare under några år på 70 – talet. Men det jag har jobbat med längst är studierektor.

Vad har du för utbildning?
Jag är utbildad lärare i grunden.

När började du jobba här i just Svedala kommun?
År 1993

När fick skolan namnet Nils Fredriksson och vad hette skolan innan?
När jag började arbeta här 1993 fanns det ingen egen byggnad för undervisning. Då hette det gymnasie och vuxenutbildningsenheten. Eftersom det blev allt fler elever på skolan så fick vi de här lokalerna som skolan befinner sig i idag. Vi hade en namntävling och det var en utav våra elever, Monica Andersson som numera arbetar som socionom och även driver Bökeberg (anläggningen), och är entreprenör. Hon föreslog namnet ”Nils Fredriksson Utbildning” och tog fram mycket historik runt Nils Fredriksson. Då såg vi att hans bakgrund både som entreprenör och hans skolbakgrund, att han blev undervisningsråd osv. passade så bra till en skola. Det är alltså tack vare en före detta elev som vi hetter ” Nils Fredriksson utbildning” och sen entrepenörskapet tycker jag är häftigt och att hon tänkte på just det sättet.

Det var ju väldigt häftigt och kul att namnet kom fram på just det viset…
Ja visst är det! Både att ta till vara på det som finns lokalt och som är historia, och att det fanns så mycket bra som passade klockrent med dagens skoldag och gymnasiereform.
Detta skedde runt 1995 – 1996.

När blev det en gymnasieskola?
Det är 10 år sedan, så 1994.

När togs det politiska beslutet att det även skulle bli en gymnasieskola (tidigare var det ju endast komvux/vuxenutbildning)?
Vuxenutbildningen och introduktionsprogrammet som tidigare hette individuellt program och uppföljningsansvaret och även KY – utbildning som finns på yrkeshögskolan har funnits med oss hela tiden.  Detta var för 10 år sedan. Det politiska beslutet för att det även skulle bli en gymnasieskola togs för 12 år sedan, det tog alltså en längre tid från det att beslutet togs tills det genomfördes.
Vilka politiska förutsättningar var det som fanns för att grunda en gymnasieskola?
Politikerna ville ha en egen gymnasieskola för att ha möjligheten att påverka en skola lite mer än när man bara köper platser. Då fanns ju inte det fria gymnasievalet som vi har idag. Utan man hade möjligheten om man ville att styra elever hit. Nu valde politikerna att Svedala eleverna skulle ha en valfrihet precis såsom det funkar för alla, de var alltså ett slags föregångare till det fria val vi har idag. Den största drivkraften för att starta gymnasieskolan var att man ville ha ett större politiskt inflytande.

Vilka förändringar blev det för skolorna när den nya läroplanen och det fria gymnasievalet kom?
När det fria valet kom fick man nu välja mellan alla skolor i Skåne. Tidigare skrev vi avtal med tex. Malmö kommun eller Trelleborgs kommun, Lunds kommun hade vi däremot inget avtal med. Då fick Svedala eleverna välja mellan de skolor som vi hade avtal med.
Det fria gymnasievalet är ett väldigt stort och tungt politiskt beslut då det gäller för hela Skåne.

Vad hade du för planer när du startade en gymnasieskola? Fanns det något speciellt som du ville uppfylla?
Nu får vi backa tillbaks tio år i tiden, datorn i undervisningen i skolor då var ju inte alls väldigt klar. Alla elever har ju haft sin egen dator från första början här. Det var någonting som vi tyckte var viktigt, att alla elever skulle känna sig mer som medarbetare och man skulle ha bra beredskap för att kunna gå ut i arbetslivet och klara sig bra på högskolan eller universitetet.  Då var det bland annat viktigt att ha inflytande över sin utbildning och då hade vi även möjligheter för specialutformat program där man kunde bygga sin egen utbildning på ett annat sätt. Gymnasiereformen nu tog ju bort den möjligheten, men att ha inflytande och vara med och bestämma över sin utbildning är viktigt. Om man är anställd här har man det via facket och om man är elev har man det genom inflytanderåd. Vi vill hela tiden även stötta elevrådet för att de ska kunna vara aktiva. Det som däremot är tråkigt att vi tidigare hade mycket större möjligheter att skrädda sy special lösningar, nu är politikernas direktiv att allt ska vara likvärdigt. Det är ju bra på ett visst sätt som att utbildningen i Boden ska vara likadan som den i Ystad men man förlorar lite möjligheten att påverka som individ, och därför utnyttjade vi ju de möjligheterna mer som fanns tidigare, också har man nu fått backa tillbaks lite.

Men att påverka sin egen utbildning och att kunna ha en hög beredskap ut i arbetslivet (tex. har vi arbetsmarknadsdagar, tränar att skriva eget cv och tränar anställningsintervju) är ju sådana saker som vi vill skylta med för att man ska känna att man kan komma in snabbt i ett arbete eller andra studier.  Vi följer de elever som har börjat på sin högskola eller universitetsutbildning och vi vet att det fungerar bra för dem.

Hur ser du framtiden för Nils Fredriksson Utbildning?

Det är en jättetuff konkurrens eftersom de fristående skolorna är så väletablerade här och det finns ingen styrning över det. Varje år måste man ju informera mycket och se till att informationen kommer ut. Ibland hade jag önskat att man kunde jobbat mer inåt inom skolan men man måste ju lägga ner ganska mycket tid även utåt. Så en tuff konkurrens är det men så länge politikerna vill ha en gymnasieskola här fixar vi det på ett bra sätt, men det behövs ett politiskt stöd.

- Av Elise Svensson & Therese Malmberg. 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

How to handle stage fright!

How to handle stage fright

 Hi everyone! This blogpost is just an idea that popped into my head while I was eating my afternoon snack, some cereals. Once it had gotten into my head I couldn’t get it out and different tips and stuff kept popping into my head, it was almost like someone was telling me a story or I saw a movie flashing bye. (hey mental?) jokes, so anyway these are just a few tips and tricks I’m gonna share with you on how to handle stage fright I am in no way a professional or claiming to be, I just like to perform and these are just a few tips to help you handle your stage freight.

First thing, what many people don’t get that aren’t a performer or just don’t suffer from stage fright, is how can people be afraid? How can they feel so bad about such a simple thing? First of all there is nothing simple about performing something or doing a speech  and in case you haven’t noticed today we live in an extremely judgmental society. But that is not what this is about so let’s move on.

Okay whenever you’re about to perform something,wether it’s about a speech in school or you’re in a play at the theatre.  Don’t ever and I mean never ever follow the old tip picture the crowd in their underwear that will only make you even more nervous.. and really who would like to see their crowd or classmates in underwear? And also if you’re a guy it may be slightly I don’t know what’s the world? Awkward…

So instead of doing that, try to think of the crowd/ audience as your friends, your best closest friends that like to watch what you are doing. I know this is hard to do, but after trying it a few times you may find that it actually helps. Also try not to see the stage as some big enemy that you are being dragged onto and forced to do some tests where you will horribly fail in front of everyone, instead see it as your tool. Use the stage as much as you can, and feel comfortable on it, and don’t fuss too much about the spotlights, yes you light up, yes you get warm from them, but they’re just your friends, just like the sun that would shine at you if you were in Hawaii, so remember that they are nice lights and try to have fun on stage.  

Take a few deep breaths before you go on and you will be fine.

If you’re really really nervous like you want to run to the bathroom and pee about one million times, stick your face in the sink under cold water and almost throw up, which I used to do and still tend to do sometimes. Talk to your partners, you’re there to help and support each other, and if it’s a play it’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure that it turns out good. If you are nervous about the part you have in the play and don’t feel comfortable at all, talk to the others or the teacher, they’ll listen to you and will probably give you good tips and help you come up with solutions, in some cases they may even change roles with you, you’re all in it together, so if the boat rocks it’s not YOUR fault it’s everyone’s.

 The same thing applies to schoolwork if you’re nervous talk to your teacher, tell her or him that you are and ask if you can solve it somehow, ask about doing your presentation in a smaller group on about four to six students. Then you won’t have dozen of eyes staring at you and it will feel better. If you are nervous about a presentation cause your teacher prefer that you know it all without having a paper with it written down, bring it anyway and tell your teacher you just have it there as a support and also try not to focus your gaze on someone for too long, shift it around or focus on any other object that is not a HUMAN.  Just take everything one small step at a time and remember to try to have FUN and eventually you will get less and less nervous.

I hope you got some good tips from this blogpost, if you didn’t I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Sorry I've been MIA lately, things have been a bit crazy. February basically consisted of tons and tons and tons of rehearsals for my play at the theatre. A bit stressful, and a lot of tiredness but in the end the play went off without (almost.. ) any hitch! I personally don't think it could have been any better and I am SO proud of how well it turned out! Now things are a lot calmer on the acting/theatre front until May, so now I just have to catch up on some school work ;)

I can't believe it's March already? That's like one thirds of this term that has already gone by… wooowzaa..! But Yaaay! FINALLY the warmer weather is starting to come, I can't wait to turn in my winter coat for my leather jacket and my converse! ( something I probably should have done already if I didn't have a fever, which I somehow ALWAYS manages to get this time of the year).

Tomorrow we're going to a University to attend free lectures, we did this on Monday too and it was so much fun! Kinda makes you want to skip high school and start there right away! :p

Anyway.. hope everyone had a great february and is enjoying the month of march, and I AM BACK! WOOOOP!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Wow, the Christmas holiday sure went by fast and it's already January.. well February, almost.  January sure started of with a big bang. First my friend Anja, from the netherlands came to visit me. She stayed for almost a week and we had a blast. Went swimming, shopping, took a tour to IKEA.. you name it. it was so fun and Anja, if you read this, you have to come back some time!

A week after Anja visited, it was my time to visit someone. I flew to England (with my friend Mo) to surprise our mutual friend Niamh, for her 18th birthday! She had no idea we were coming, Surprise Surprise! Had such a great great great time, and the party was lovely. I even got to try fish and chips, and oh my god, was it good!!?!? Can I move to the UK just because of the food? :p  Anyway it was the best weekend in like.. forever? Thank you Mo and Niamh for making it so good :D

Back in school now and Im supposed to be doing history... but hey I'm writing about the past here, so this counts as working right?

Also we have a play/showcase coming up with the theater group/acting class in march! iiiiiip so excited already but also very nervous! but it will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine, help.. no seriously it will be fine.

Anyway, hope everyone had a great January( we're drowning in snow) and say welcome to... February, yeah you got that right!

see you soon, - Liz.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

My all time OTP! ❤️

Finally home from a birthday party with the whole freaking family! Okay was fun to see the cousins again, but geez exhausted! Can't sleep quite yet though so just doing some late night fangirling... Cause that's Obviously what yo do when you're a hardcore fangirl like me! 

Been going through the JavaJunkie tag on tumblr for the last 30 minutes now. AMFG! The feels! They are just the best Tv couple ever! They were the first OTP I ever FELL IN LOVE WITH. Before I didn't give a damn about who dated who in a TV show, but when I met L&L , Lorelai and Luke, boy did my opinion change. They are just so perfect for eachother! Always there for eachother .. Best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, fiancée and fiancé .. And in my Javajunkie mind Husband and wife! Who could not LOVE them, or find them perfect for eachother? Who! I dare ya!! no Chris.. No. It's Luke., it's always been Luke!

" I don't think I ever really loved anyone.. Until Luke." 

IIIP just perfect! I want a Luke.. Or at lest a life like their love! Please! They're just so perfect! I want a love where I can reflect  light too :P someone to mock people with, someone to force to go to town meetings, someone to have fun with and someone to lean on whenever you need it. That's the most perfect thing. They're perfect, just truly perfect! 

As Amy Sherman Palladino once said: "To me, they say "I love you" to each other every single day. Everything that they do, the way they care for each other, the way they take care of each other..." 

Just gaaaah.. Give me a Luke.. Sometime! Someday.. Someday.. Maybe! 

Written in the stars... ❤️ <3 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Hello there, been a few days huh? Well.. not much have been going on, rainy rainy days. Been home from school today, so I've been reading "the statistical probability of love at first sight", by Jennifer E Smith (Lauren's editor), for the second time. It's just so good and well written!  Also Lauren's book "Someday Someday Maybe" and Jennifer's book "This is what happy looks like" are both nominated for best books of 2013 at goodreads, so go and vote vote vote!


Speaking of reading books, I have decided to add a weekly or maybe monthly, we will see how it turns out, Book and Movie club, woooo!! Basically I will be recommending, books (on Fridays, book friday, duh!) and movies that I like and that I REALLY think you should read and/or watch! Never done something like this before so I'm pretty excited about it. I hope you guys will like it :D

As of today, I finally payed my membership to a site I'm a member of where you can search acting jobs and stuff, woo! Only one year later than I was supposed to... Right now I am sitting her watching FRIENDS. Yes, I've watched it before, but only season 1-3 and then random episodes so now I am FINALLY watching it all, and it's just so good, and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that theme song!! :D I feel an obsession coming on..

and only 252 days 14 hours 23 minutes and 30 seconds left until I take my trip to the U.K.! wooohoooo!!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Rainy Mc Rainy days!

Hi there!
I've decided to try to do one post every day, or at least every other day. so today has been rainy and freezing cold (wow I'm complaining about the weather already!), but seriously so freaking cold, I could freeze my arse off! I even drank tea today! That's how cold it's been. (normally I don't like tea but I like pickwick's cinnamon tea, (for that I will ALWAYS LOOOVE... WAIT BLAME ANJA AND MO!) Other than that it's been aka CAN I PLEASE GO HOME ALREADY AND SLEEP? I DON'T WANNA BE HERE!!!!

Then I've been fangirling like crazy, first over the picture of Lauren and Craig, and then over the video of Lauren and Craig. It was just such an awesome interview, and hilarious, like always! This one if def. one of my favorites though!

Also today I found out that I'm selected for our school thingy, travel around with another girls in my class and a teacher and talk about our school...yay. So should we move on to the FUN news then? I also found out that I'm going to be an extra in a movie this weekend! wooop woooop! Been too long! So happy and excited to get to do it again! YAYAYYAYAYA! And with that, I'll stop this random rambling, babbling post. Hope you're all having a great evening, stay away from the rain! it's evil!

xx - Liz. (just cause my computer is being stupid at the moment.. you'll get the video later but watch watch watch!!!)